Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New to this

So I'm pretty new to this whole idea of blogging, but I figured it's a way that I could vent if I wanted to, and also a way for people to keep up with my life as well. It's hard to believe that this is already my third year of college that I am only a few months away from being 21, but at the same time it is a rewarding thought.
This is already the third week of classes here in Mankato, MN and time seems to keep slipping by even faster.  I'm awaiting a call back from a job that I had an interview for at Living Links here in Kato, I'm really excited and hope that I get it.
Just a thought, but it's definitely a little ironic how much we end up missing our families when they aren't around, and how much more we miss our siblings when they move even further away than before.  My oldest sister is living back at home and working for Dad, so I get to see her the most frequently because I tend to go home at least once a month because there is some event or another that requires my attendance. My other sister just moved to Madison, WI about 3 weeks ago for Grad School. I am not liking the fact that she is 5 hours and 293 miles away from me right now because I really didn't get to see her all that much this summer because of all the traveling she did. However I am extremely excited for next weekend when she comes home for yet another wedding. That leaves my brother, he is also about 5 hours away up in Bemidji, MN. We don't see much of him unless there is something to come home for, like the said wedding, it will be nice to be all reunited again, even if it's briefly.
I am extremely excited because I found my favorite children's cartoon online last night and watched an episode of it.....RUGRATS!!!! yes you can find RUGRATS on hulu :) It is the best discovery since sliced bread. I am actually about to watch another episode... So until next time, laughter is the best medicine; laugh daily.

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